Top Fire Damage Restoration Tips

The thought of a single spark of fire around your commercial property may shake you to the core – but there are many fires which take place on a daily basis. All it takes is a single mishap of an extra sparking between wires resulting in a massive fire. Therefore, it is important to keep a check on all of the details of your building to avoid fire eruptions at any cost.

Accepting the fact that this can happen to anyone, it is important to be aware about fire damage restoration procedures. How do you begin the restoration after a fire damage? Down below are some top fire damage restoration tips and tricks.

·       Get that stubborn mold off:

What do you think happens by the use of extreme amounts of water and extinguishers during a fire? You can see stubborn mold and mildew on the walls, which just won’t say goodbye. When you begin the restoration process, it is important to get the mold and mildew off. Mold and mildew are very dangerous to our health and can diminish the life of your assets.

·       Save your walls from smoke damage:

Nobody wants shaded walls from the smoke caused by fire. The smoke might make your lungs hurt, but it is also very bad for your walls too. During the restoration process, make sure to dust the smoke burn off of your walls – and once the dust it off, then start scrubbing the walls with detergents. Smoke burn from walls are not hard to get off, but do not just repaint the walls before scrubbing them. Clean before painting, because if not – you’re in for a nightmare.

·       Introduce proper ventilation:

It can be dangerous to inhale near the area where the fire took place. A professional fire restoration company  should be immediately called to enter the area and install the ventilation equipment.

Let us help you!

One of the best ways to act quickly in the case of a natural disaster is to have the experts on hand so you can simply make the call once it occurs. You can do this by signing a pre-loss agreement with Armor Environmental Solutions — Allowing us to act fast and helping your business get up and running ASAP.


Give us a call at 1-800-413-3070

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